When Hen Pen turned 18 months old (when I was newly preggers with sister) we thought that potty training MIGHT be on the horizon. The pediatrician told us it was possible to train an 18 month old boy, and we believed her (she lied).
We tried at 18 months, he didn't get it. We tried at 20 months, he cried, screamed and kicked. We tried at 24 months- more of that screaming (he had a serious fear by this time). So we let it go, we knew he would be ready someday.... and that someday came in October of 2010. He pooped in the potty for the first time. He knew that if he did it he would get the toy he had been lusting over. We thought it meant he might continue the trend. He was right, we were wrong. He got the garbage truck, I got more poopy diapers.
In November of 2010 we decided to go for the gold. We set out on a three day (yes 3 day!) plan to get him in big boy underwear. We knew others who had tried the same with success, and we were in. So we started on a Friday. By Sunday he was potty trained. No joke. Monday morning he went to school in big boy underwear and we haven't looked back.
So the next big milestone was sleeping through the night in underwear. We were sure that he wasn't ready in November, we tried in January (with night terrors) and then, one night about a week ago we decided, let's try the underwear. He doesn't pee most nights anyway, and shock of all shocks, he made it through a night. And then two, and then a week. He wakes up in the middle of the night if he has to go. He comes to us crying, but he is awake. No more night diapers. No more diapers for our first born.
It is a milestone. It is a good one. It is a sad one. I know it means he is growing up, that everyday he needs me less and less. And then I remember, one day he will need me again. So I look forward to the remaining days and look forward even more to the days he needs me again,.
That butt is too cute.....
Kisses baby boy, here is to a job well done!
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
6 days ago
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